Port Duncan Owner's Association

Port Duncan Owners Association


Officers of the Port Duncan Board of Directors

Vice President

Darrell Gentry
Todd Gentry
Terry Winn
Chris Bradley

Our Board members are all unpaid volunteers. They live at and come to the lake for the same reasons you do — to fish, to boat, to relax or to get away from the world for a bit. Please respect their privacy by using email to contact them. The links below will put you in contact with specific individuals or you can use PDOA2020@outlook.com to reach the board as a whole.

You are also encouraged to attend the monthly Port Duncan Homeowners Association board meetings on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 9:00 AM in the Community Building.

Port Duncan Board of Directors

Phase I

Chris Bradley
Missouri Drive
Wes Kreie
Miami Drive
Steve Pace
Circle Drive

Phase II

Roger Jared
Port Duncan Blvd.
Kristy Chance
Port Duncan Blvd.
Terry Winn
Privateer Drive

Phase III

Darrell Gentry
Airport Road
Arron Kempfer
Wichita Circle
Todd Gentry
Airport Road

Building Committee

Phase I

Chris Bradley
Steve Coble
Wes Kreie

Phase II

Jeff Horany
Steve Potter
Terry Winn

Phase III

Darrell Gentry
Aaron Kempfer
Patrick Zeka

Boat Ramp Keys

Boat Ramp Keys are available if the member is in good standing.
Call Chris Bradley at 417-718-6683.


Darrell Gentry