Port Duncan Owner's Association

Port Duncan Owners Association

Build or Addon

Port Duncan Owner’s Association

Building / Mobile Home Plan Approval Guidelines and Form

Revised:  October 15,  2015




Advanced approval is required for nearly all construction activity in Port Duncan. This document is designed to help guide you through the application and approval process.

No construction of a dwelling, building addition, or a detached structure will be permitted without authorization by the Building Committee of your phase IN WRITING and PRIOR TO moving any heavy equipment onto the lot for clearing, site preparation or start of construction activity (including moving materials onto the site). Any damages caused during clearing or construction are not the responsibility of Port Duncan Owner's Association (PDOA). The lot owner on which the construction or clearing activity is occurring is responsible for correcting any damage to neighboring properties or to PDOA roads. This entire document must be initialed at the bottom of each page and submitted by the property owner with the Building Plan Approval Application.

There are 3 types of activities that require approval:

  1. Standard Construction

    This includes clearing a site, moving equipment and materials onto the site, and construction of a primary residence.  This must be completed within 6 months of the start date.

  2. Additions

    This includes clearing a site, to construct an addition to a primary residence or to construct an out building adjacent to an existing primary residence. This must be completed within 6 months of the start date.

  3. Clearing

    This covers clearing a site using heavy equipment, with no intention of building a structure in the near future.  This includes setting a water meter and a power meter. Equipment and debris must be removed within 60 days of the start of the clearing project, and within 6 months of the issuance of the approval.  No excavation for future construction is authorized under this approval. It should be noted that clearing a lot with hand carried tools such as a chain saw, limb saw, or small equipment such as garden tractors does not need prior approval.



Decks and interior remodeling require no building advance permission, however, decks must match the surrounding area and be completed within the 6 moths of the start date.  All building materials and debris must be removed within 60 days of completion of the project and must not be stored on the property more than 60 days prior to the start of the project and must not be stored on the property more than 60 days prior to the start of the project.



  1. Submit completed Plan Approval request to a building committee member from your phase.

  2. Provide a full set of architectural plans for proposed construction, including finishing details.

  3. Provide a site plan showing location of all structures and septic system and showing measurements from all boundaries and roads.

  4. Before building plan approval is granted, the Building Committee may, at their discretion, require documentation of financial capability to completely finish the proposed project.



The property owner will be responsible for obtaining any survey work necessary to meet the setbacks required in the restrictive covenants.



Included with this application packet are copies of the PDOA Restrictive Covenants. The regulations differ by phase, so please become familiar with the requirements for your phase in order to avoid delays in the approval of your application.



To print out a building approval form >> CLICK HERE <<